MAVERICK CARTER LeBron James Family Foundation
MAVERICK CARTER LeBron James Family Foundation

Maverick Carter - LeBron James Family Foundation

Born in Akron, Ohio, Maverick Carter is a Founding board member of the LeBron James Family Foundation. Carter has served in this role alongside LeBron James, Gloria James, Lynn Merritt, and Michele Campbell since the Foundation was established in 2004. As one of the most impactful and change-making non-profit organizations in the country, the LeBron James Family Foundation is committed to creating generational change through education and wraparound supports in James’ and Carter’s hometown.

Inspired by the needs of students growing up in Akron like James and Carter did, the LeBron James Family Foundation’s work has grown into a revolutionary model for community building. Today, the Foundation’s wide-ranging resources include a holistic approach to public education at the I PROMISE School, higher education and family supports at the I PROMISE Institute, emergency and immediate short-term housing at the I PROMISE Village, long-term and affordable housing at I PROMISE Housing, medical and behavioral health supports at I PROMISE HealthQuarters, and job training and financial literacy at House Three Thirty. With each of these supports located within a few city blocks of each other, the Foundation’s I Promise footprint represents a transformative model for lasting change.

The Foundation’s largest and latest endeavor, House Three Thirty, opened on March 30, 2023 (“330 Day” celebrating Akron’s area code). Offering life-changing opportunities and best-in-class services, House Three Thirty convenes critical resources under one roof including family financial health programming, job training through the venue’s varied dining, retail & entertainment spaces, and a community gathering space for large indoor and outdoor events, monthly meals, and ongoing family programming open to all.

From public education to housing, healthcare, higher education supports, job training, financial literacy, and the various layers of wraparound resources in between, LeBron James and Maverick Carter are changing lives in a tangible way for all the kids from Akron to come.