In our deep-rooted efforts to redefine what a family looks like and what a community is capable of, there are a few key elements that make this work possible. Alongside love, commitment, trust and action, one of the most important pieces of our blueprint is efficiency. In order to serve our families and the entire Akron community with the resources and supports they need, we must be efficient in everything we do.

Efficiency is what makes our friends at Routific thrive, and why their service is so impactful within our efforts to reach all of our families. When it comes time for door-to-door deliveries, whether that be during the holidays or a special call to action, we are able to get to our families quickest with high efficiency routes. The driving time saved thanks to route optimization means more time spent visiting with and empowering our families to be their best.
Listening and responding in order to remove barriers and create change is the hard work we have committed to for a lifetime. With Routific and all of our partners contributing their time, expertise, and resources to everything we do, we know that nothing is impossible for this family.