My friends at Sprite and my Foundation renovated the gym at the John and Cissy Havard Club. The renovation included a gigantic mural by a local Houston artist and a set of balls, sticks and bats for the kids to use. The gym opening culminated with an I PROMISE ceremony during which they performed for us and read their promises aloud. We are excited to have them in our I PROMISE Network!
Deep in the heart of Texas….a huge transformation occurred during the 2013 All-Star weekend! 100 kids in green shirts and I PROMISE bands eagerly await the arrival of their surprise guest. Who is coming has been top secret and the kids are overjoyed when LeBron walks into the gym! Kids excitedly started cheering and others remained so shocked that they were speechless. To kick off the celebration, five brave kids performed their basketball skills on the court, four young ladies performed a local dance, and eight kids shared their personal promises with LeBron!
The BGCA of Greater Houston. Inc. opened their gym doors to find an entirely new gym. Green and blue walls were turned into a crisp white hue; brand new safety padding and basketball hoops were installed, and the facility was filled with new sporting equipment. The LeBron James Family Foundation logo is highlighted at center court and a dynamic vibrant mural brought life to the gym! The I PROMISE initiative and partnerships with BGCA, LJFF, and Sprite are featured. The partnerships are important because we know it takes a village to raise a child, and we cannot do it alone. The I PROMISE initiative is not a short term thought at the Greater Houston BGCA club as they have been living their PROMISE and their promises are visible throughout the club. We look forward to sharing the wonderful stories from the Greater Houston Club, so check back soon for updates!