From a big idea to a special opening day and everything since, the I PROMISE School’s journey has been a remarkable one. As our students and families have grown, we’ve grown along with them. And the real-time results have been incredible and inspiring. Our IPS students, families and staff all prove daily that no matter the challenge, no matter the hurdles, we can work through anything because we are family.
The journey has not all been smooth sailing. No goal worth achieving ever is. But through it all, we’ve seen perseverance, patience, and compassion. We’ve seen a building become a home and a group of students and teachers become a family. And family is everything, in good times and bad.

The world will now get to see inside those walls and experience the I PROMISE School like never before. The IPS story will be told by those who know it best, the students themselves. Opening their homes and hearts to the process, these families have put their lives out there for the greater good. And we can’t wait to watch the good unfold with all of you.
The I PROMISE documentary series will premiere on Monday, April 6 when the brand new Quibi platform launches. You can pre-register for a free 90-day trial here.

Thank you for being a part of this life-changing journey for generations to come. This is OUR story, and one we believe the world needs to see right now.
As our educators and students embark on the new frontier of online learning this week, know that we are here for you, any time, any need. We all need to rally around each other as we brave these uncharted waters.

We Are Family.