Earned Not Given

For students at Edisto Island Youth Recreation (EIYR), a new pair of shoes goes a long way, both figuratively and literally. Recognizing an opportunity to both empower and inspire, LeBron and team LJFF recently sent over more than 40 pairs of brand new Nikes for the student participants in the EIYR’s programs. Channeling LeBron’s philosophy, there was one requirement: these shoes would not be given, they would be earned.

In order to earn a pair of the coveted Nikes, the center challenged its students to either achieve honor roll or successfully participate in a Fall sport by coach’s recommendation. The students stepped up to the call and proudly accepted their reward, with plenty more aiming to follow suit.

More than a necessity, the shoes from LeBron represent achievement. The recipients accepted the challenge, put in the work and met their goals. Now as they move forward on their journey, they can look down at their feet and feel LeBron’s support pushing them forward every step of the way.

In Akron and beyond, we are family.