In year one at the I PROMISE School, our students aren’t just growing. They’re glowing. To celebrate all of its students’ success and achievement in the first half of the school year, IPS held a celebration in true, innovative IPS fashion – with a glow and grow party. As the 3rd and 4th graders entered the newly LJFF-renovated yet intentionally dark and dim gym at the Balch Street Community Center, they weren’t quite sure what was in store for them. That is, until their shirts and accessories began glowing against the black backdrop surrounding them, creating a colorful and captivating celebratory experience.
Students were called to the stage one by one to receive special awards for their individual growth. Some were even awarded multiple times for outstanding achievement. But the entire school remained until all names had been called and every single student recognized..

It is a testament to the dedicated staff that every I PROMISE School student is already showing positive signs of improvement. And they were, but for a brief moment, basking in the glow of their growth.
Back at the I PROMISE School, the girls took some time to celebrate Women’s History month with a valuable panel highlighting the journeys of a handful of strong, accomplished women. Local leaders and LJFF partners on the panel representing a number of career pathways included Natalie Watral from JP Morgan Chase, Eboni Pringle from Kent State, Aishea Motley from the University of Akron, Dr. Katie Greiner from Northeast Ohio Eye Surgeons, and State Representative, 34th House District Emilia Sykes. As the women shared their elementary school journeys, their challenges, and their dreams, the young women from IPS sat on the Think Tank floor with wide eyes and open minds. When questions were called for, numerous excited hands shot high up in the air, with the girls eager to learn how they could follow in the ladies’ strong and impactful footsteps.