As frame after frame was placed on the I PROMISE School students’ faces, their smiles widened with every exciting color and shape option. Before this special visit with the Northeast Ohio Eye Surgeons (NEOES), many of the IPS families didn’t even know how poor their vision was. It was only under the expert care of our family at NEOES that their vision was corrected, directly impacting and vastly improving their ability to learn.
This second annual Eye Exam Day courtesy of NEOES saw more than 100 IPS students

This second annual Eye Exam Day courtesy of NEOES saw more than 100 IPS students and family members receive free comprehensive eye exams and complimentary lenses and frames as needed. NEOES is also committed to any necessary follow up care resulting from the exams, and will return to IPS in a few weeks to deliver the prescription glasses by hand, ensuring fit and sharing proper care.
With 20/20 vision, our I PROMISE program kids and families are better equipped to learn and adapt to the world around them. Now that they can see clearly, they can properly tackle the tasks at hand in the classroom and at home.

It’s important partnerships such as this with NEOES that allows the LeBron James Family Foundation to strategically eliminate barrier after barrier standing in our kids’ way, clearing a path for their bright futures.