There are many smiles. There are even more tears. Turned over tables and countless hugs. High-five highs, and on-the-floor lows. There may even be a Pennywise sighting. But more important than anything, there is hope in the I PROMISE documentary on Quibi.
You get firsthand sights and sounds of students’ struggles and heart breaking accounts of their families’ challenges. Yet somewhere over the course of the 15-episode series, you begin to see the tides turn into a story of perseverance and strength.

With the I PROMISE model supporting them with resources and love and everything they’ve always needed, we see students make progress. Some catch up to their peers. Many jump several steps closer to where they’re supposed to be.
It’s a lesson in life to watch these kids, families and educators struggle together… fight together… and rally together for a better future.
And as of today, the full series is live on the Quibi streaming platform for full viewing. In one sitting, you can now watch all episodes from start to finish, getting the full I PROMISE experience. You can watch I PROMISE on Quibi with a free 90-day trial here.
We are proud and humbled by the responses we’ve received from across the country. Feedback from inspired teachers, virtual fist bumps from parents, and commitments from so many to do more in their own communities.

That is why we’re here. And that is why we will continue to adapt, deliver and do everything we can to ensure our families’ progress is moving forward.
Because we’re in this together. Forever.
We Are Family.