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90 results for “we are family”
ILTHY® Collaborates with the LeBron James Family Foundation to Launch Exclusive Collection
NewsILTHY® Collaborates with the LeBron James Family Foundation to Launch Exclusive Collection
Words & Actions
NewsThe LeBron James Family Foundation and Starbucks To Open Transformative, First-Of-Its-Kind Community Store Inside House Three Thirty
Financial Literacy
NewsWith a renewed energy and focus on health top of mind for many as we enter the new year, the LeBron James Family Foundation is already focusing in on fine tuning financial health supports for our families.
Welcome to House Three Thirty
NewsAs the LeBron James Family Foundation works to redefine what a community and family looks like, we continue to break through barriers and open doors for the students and families in Akron.
Spreading Cheer
NewsIn good times and bad, it’s our partners and our promises that pull us through. And when we’ve hit a collective low, they are there to bring us right back up.
The Huddle Experience
NewsIt’s been two weeks since the LeBron James Family Foundation and Stand Together hosted the inaugural I PROMISE Huddle in Akron, Ohio.
News“To the kids that started it all, my I PROMISE families in Akron. These promises are for you, and I hope they may be helpful to every student, classroom, and family across the country. You all inspire me each and every day!
Redefining Community
NewsCommunity comes in all shapes and sizes. Some communities are close in proximity while others are more spread out. Some rally together, some stand alone.
We Are Family Reunion Update
NewsFamily sticks together. Family lifts each other up. Family is there through the good times, and the bad.
Proud Family
NewsNo matter the world around them, our I PROMISE students continue to be a light and a beacon of hope throughout the Akron community and beyond. Recently, two of our Akron I PROMISE Network students...
We Are Family
NewsFamily sticks together. Family lifts each other up. Family is there through the good times, and the bad.
Special Delivery
NewsWith quiet hallways and empty classrooms, life is anything but ordinary at the I PROMISE School. This week, our IPS educators are returning to their school home in coordinated shifts to pack up...
Building a Village
NewsRight now in Akron and around the world, many families are struggling. In good times and bad, that means we rally around our families and continue to do everything...
Leaning on Family
NewsThe deliveries come in associates’ personal cars. No set time, just whenever they have any items and a minute to spare...
The Full I PROMISE Experience
NewsThere are many smiles. There are even more tears. Turned over tables and countless hugs. High-five highs, and on-the-floor lows...
Coming Together, Apart
NewsIt was a Taco Tuesday unlike any other. A tradition that typically brings families together...
I PROMISE on Quibi
NewsAs the world begins to watch and review the I PROMISE documentary on Quibi, it’s clear the students, educators, and families at the I PROMISE School are touching many lives...
Families First
NewsDuring times of need, that’s when families are needed most. And when faced with uncertainty and discomfort, families build even deeper bonds rooted in trust and compassion.
2020-2021 330 Ambassador Applications Now Available
NewsThe 330 Ambassadors are a select group of students from the Akron area chosen each year by the LeBron James Family Foundation to serve as role models and mentors to younger generations in the community, specifically through the I PROMISE School...
For Others
NewsHanging in shiny, bold letters on the walls of the LeBron James Family Foundation office, these words from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. drive everything we do...
State of the Family
NewsCelebration. Communication. Community. The LeBron James Family Foundation’s first-ever State of the Family was all about coming together and sharing where we are and where we’re going on our journey to create change...
Happy Holidays!
NewsFrom a joyful music program to festive family feasts and a special train ride to the North Pole, the I PROMISE students and families have soaked in the spirit of the season all month long.
It's All in the Family
NewsAs the students and parents filed into the I PROMISE School, the spirit of the holidays was in the air. LeBron’s 5th graders had spent days practicing and preparing for the special performance they were about to give.
Seeing Is Believing
NewsThink back to a holiday memory from when you were young. What we remember most likely isn’t a particular present or number of gifts received. It’s more likely to be a smell, a moment, or an interaction that made a mark on our memories.
New Look + Big Plans
NewsAs we continue to dig deeper and deeper into the needs of students and families in our community, the LeBron James Family Foundation’s story is constantly evolving.
Bringing It Home
NewsThe center of every tight-knit family is the age-old tradition of the family meal. More than simply food and drinks, it’s a time for sharing, for telling stories, for staying in tune with each other...
The Family in Action
NewsIt started out as every other anything-but-ordinary day at the I PROMISE School. Warm hugs, high fives, and smiles all around despite the freezing cold temperatures outside...
Building A Better Boat
Newswe can take on water, we can ebb and flow with the changing tides, we can survive crashing waves, and together, we can build a better boat...
IPS Test Prep
NewsOur students are tackling the tests with all their might this week, but not before a few family engagements…
The LeBron James Family Foundation’s 330 Ambassadors Serve and Experience Charlotte All Star Weekend
NewsEach year LeBron is selected as an All Star, he’s made it his mission to some way leave his mark on the All-Star host city as a way of saying thank you...
All in the Family
NewsIt’s been a busy, rewarding, and inspiring week that illustrates the Foundation’s commitment to keep pushing, keep digging, and keep striving to do more...
We Are Community
NewsTo be part of a community means to uplift, collaborate, and engage with those around us to achieve shared goals greater than ourselves.
We Are Family Reunion Review
NewsIt all started with a tweet. Five years ago, Cedar Point extended an offer to name one of their famed roller coasters after LeBron James.
Out of This World
NewsWith a sea of green shirts and smiling faces filling Cedar Point in Sandusky, the 2019 We Are Family Reunion was truly Out of this World.
Seeing Clearly
NewsThis second annual Eye Exam Day courtesy of NEOES saw more than 100 IPS students and family members receive free comprehensive eye exams and complimentary lenses and frames as needed.
Walk of Fame
NewsAt the I PROMISE School, parent participation is not only encouraged, it is a pillar of all of its programming. Our parents are invited to be active participants in every phase of the process.
Fall & Family
NewsOn a seasonably warm Sunday afternoon in Akron, the I PROMISE School’s 5th graders and their families filed into the Highland Square theatre for an afternoon matinee...
Brains and a Break
NewsOur I PROMISE 4th grade students are getting that hands-on experience, thanks to a series of special visits from a group of medical students out of Ohio State University.
Family Feast
NewsThe Feast featured a hot meal provided by Piada, who along with Barilla, hosted a healthy cooking demonstration – complete with hand-rolled meatballs – for our families to enjoy.
Strength & Awareness
News“Angel” as we all know her, is bravely stepping away from her day-to-day duties at IPS to focus her strength and energy on her battle with breast cancer.
Family Feast!
Event 02/27/2020 10:00 PMI PROMISE Program Families, please join us during the 2019-2020 school year for an evening of food, family, and fun!
Family Feast!
Event 04/30/2020 9:00 PMI PROMISE Program Families, please join us during the 2019-2020 school year for an evening of food, family, and fun!
Family Feast!
Event 01/30/2020 10:00 PMI PROMISE Program Families, please join us during the 2019-2020 school year for an evening of food, family, and fun!
Family Feast!
Event 03/26/2020 9:00 PMI PROMISE Program Families, please join us during the 2019-2020 school year for an evening of food, family, and fun!
Family Feast!
Event 11/21/2019 10:30 PMI PROMISE Program Families, please join us during the 2019-2020 school year for an evening of food, family, and fun!
Family And The Farm
News"Let's take them to the farm," said a wide-eyed LeBron. "They have that Believeland corn maze, right?"
Bikes, Barbeque and Other Big Things in Store!
NewsTo our WFE kids and families, While you all enjoy sun, fun and even plenty of rain, we can’t stop thinking about the upcoming school year! Mr. LeBron has asked us to work on some things...
We Are Family Reunion
NewsContinuing to kick off the most epic school year ever, the LeBron James Family Foundation hosted more than 8,000 of its students and their families at Cedar Point...
Family Reunion
Event 08/17/2019 12:00 PMAt vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.
Chase Incentive Packaging
NewsThey say it takes a village. When it comes to the LeBron James Family Foundation’s commitment to changing lives in Akron through education, that could not be more true...
Jarvis Landry Joins the IPS Family
News"I was born and raised in Louisiana, similar to this, similar to Akron. But this right here, this school, this community, it’s about to change things"...
Thanks For Giving
NewsIn this monumental year of taking chances and giving hope, of eliminating barriers and adding supports, of closing chapters and opening doors - as a Foundation and as a family, we have so much to be thankful for...
DAP Championship 2016
NewsThe DAP Championship Benefiting The LeBron James Family Foundation is the first of four Web.com Tour Finals events to determine what 50 players will earn their PGA TOUR cards.
LeBron Message: Home Sweet Home
NewsMan, it feels great to be back in Akron with the family. Don’t get me wrong, I love road games, but...
To Ask Questions And Find Answers
NewsHow are my Wheels for Ed kids doing? We are starting to head into my busy season… last night we played our first pre-season game when...
Winter Is Here
NewsHow are my kids doing? My teammates and I are on a long road trip and man, do I miss home!
What Cold?
NewsHow are my sixth and seventh graders doing? Every time I see you guys I'm blown away by how much you've grown.
LAB Highlight | Sherry Neubert
NewsWe love sharing PROMISE kept moments of our WFE kids and AIPN kids. Additionally, we enjoy sharing PROMISE kept moments that happen in our community.
LJFF Announces New Partner in Signet Jewelers
NewsWith one-on-one mentoring defined as a need for its students, the LeBron James Family Foundation has teamed up with Akron-based Signet Jewelers...
Don't Forget Your PROMISE
NewsEven though school is out, we want to make sure you continue to stick with your reading, be active and eat healthy!
Holidays Are For Family
NewsWhen you meet our partners, it’s easy to understand why we believe we can change the world. And the more time you spend with them, the more feasible that concept becomes...
LeBron's 3rd Graders Hop On The Polar Express Powered By FirstEnergyFoundation
NewsIn what’s become an annual Akron treat and a holiday season staple for LeBron’s I PROMISE students, the LeBron James Family Foundation’s 3rd graders will once again hop on board the Polar Express Powered by the FirstEnergy Foundation...
Finish Strong Kids!
NewsHow are all of my Wheels for Ed All-Stars doing? It has been a busy few days for my teammates and I.
The Little Engine That Could
NewsIn only the second year of our partnership, we found all three elements in a special Northeast Ohio collective known as the PGA Web.com Tour DAP Championship...
NewsHey kids, How are my Wheels for Ed kids doing? I miss you guys! My teammates and I are getting ready for a long road trip. We have a lot of fun...
NewsWe hope your school year is going well! Are you getting excited for winter break...
LeBron James Arena Update: August 16
NewsDid someone say Dunk Contest? The new backboards and hoops are installed!
Back In Town
NewsHey guys! I’m back in town to play the Cavaliers! Who is going to watch the game tonight? Whether you are at home or at the Q, I want you guys to know...
Halloween Safety
NewsHalloween is finally here! We want to make sure that this Halloween is a safe and fun day. Always take an adult with you and be sure to look both...
Class of 2026 | Welcome To The Family
NewsAs summer comes to a close, that time of year when the LeBron James Family Foundation welcomes a brand new class of third graders into its Wheels for Education program...
Family Staycation
NewsAs the warm fall sun reached its peak, hundreds of I Promise students converged on the picturesque Cleveland-area farm...
Class of 2023 Student Highlight: Syrah Stephens-Johnson
NewsIt’s about a month into school and the seasons are beginning to change, but one thing that will never change is that kids love to play outside...
We Are Zips
NewsLeBron, The Foundation, and The University of Akron have committed to a long term partnership that will, at the least, see nine classes of Wheels for Education and Akron I PROMISE Network students...
Happy New Year
NewsHey guys! How are MY Wheels for Ed kids doing? Can you believe the year is almost over? Time is flying by. I remember just eight years ago...
Act Nine | Bronx P2
NewsDid we mention LeBron’s favorite subject was art? He has a blast designing Nike uniforms...
23 Big Dreams: Alissa McCullough
NewsAs a proud member of the LeBron James Family Foundation’s Akron I PROMISE Network, Arlissa embodies the spirit, the fight, and the determination that Akron has become known for.
Anchors For A Day
NewsScientist. Engineer. News Anchor at WKYC. We want our kids to know that when it comes to career options, the possibilities are endless.
Bike Kitchen: Rolling Along
NewsRollin’, rollin’, rollin’….. the bikes for the Wheels for Ed class of 2023 kids are being assembled and the tires are being filled with air! A huge shout out to Andy & Tom in the Bike Kitchen who coordinate...
PROMISE Kept: A Long Term Partnership With Cedar Point
NewsIn the words of LeBron James, "BOOOOOOOM! CEDAR POINT DONE CHANGED THE GAME!!!!!" We could not have said it any better ourselves…
LJFF Teams Up With World Golf Championships-Bridgestone Invitational
NewsWith its roots planted firmly in Akron, Ohio, the LeBron James Family Foundation is proud to be engaged and active in community events across Northeast Ohio.
Working Hard
NewsWe are nearing the end of the first half of your 6th grade year! How has it been going? Have you guys done any cool community service projects since cleaning the UA Football Stadium?
I PROMISE Moment: The Team Visits the Ronald McDonald House of Akron
NewsTeam LJFF keeps their PROMISE to serve our Akron community and support our partner’s philanthropic initiatives. We spent quality time at the Ronald McDonald House...
Family Reunion Video
News"For us, we’re one big family," said LeBron James when asked why the Foundation’s yearly summer gathering is called the "I PROMISE Family Reunion."
LeBron Message | Orchestra Outing
NewsHow are all of my Wheels for Ed All-Stars doing? I wish I could share with you what my Foundation team has been planning...
NewsAs the van pulled up to the hotel, LJFF team members were waiting in anticipation to welcome the Long family to Miami...
NewsImagine starting high school knowing that past statistics say you only have a 47% chance of graduating? Would you feel defeated and...